How does it work ?
Once you have the idea of organizing an event simply call us on
+33 1 30 80 42 21 or
+33 6 07 95 43 64
No call centres ! Experienced and sharp Yellowpro's will carefully answer your questions, list your requirements and assist you in your project.
You will receive a customised selection of hotels and venues suited to your event in 24 - 48 hrs.
The Yellowpro you are in contact with will exclusively remain at your disposal until the event takes place.
You won't have to fill in any pre-requirement forms, we consider each request to be unique and treat it accordingly.
Nevertheless if you have a ready written request please feel free to send it to us.
Whatever stage your project is at - just call us !
Hotline +33 1 30 80 42 21
Cell +33 6 07 95 43 64